Sunday, October 6, 2013

Difference Between Post Reach and Post Engagement

After only a few days up, the new Cockrell Electric, Inc., Facebook page has already acquired 159 Likes. The positive feedback we have gotten is just incredible. I knew that we would have some fans, but this has been mind blowing and the speed in which all of the new content has reached all of these people is also extremely amazing.

What also is incredible and has just blown me away is the detailed extent to which the demographic information goes in Facebook's Insights regarding the people that we reach with our business pages and the amount of those people that actually engage in the site. Post Reach is the amount of people who have seen something we have posted. Post Engagement is how many times those people have clicked on our post. They show us who we are reaching and how we are reaching them. Data about the people we have reached with our Facebook page includes Gender, Age, Countries and Cities they are from and the Language they speak. The information shows us how we reached them, whether it was organic, viral, or paid. They also tell us how many page views there have been and the number of times people click on our page from an outside URL. My favorite is the frequency graph that shows us how many people have seen content about our page. Any time anyone clicks on any of the posts or Likes anything, they are engaging in the post.

All of this information is priceless. It not only points you to exactly who your site is connecting with, but also who you should market to in the future. With the information that is available through Facebook's Insights, we are able to narrow down our demographics and find who our customers are that we should invest in. Instead of blanket marketing our community, we are able to exactly pin down what area, specifically what cities are most engaged in our site and what age our clientele is. In our community here in the Desert where people either live in Gated Community's or they don't, we are finding, through Facebook Insights that a majority of our Customers live in these gated community's. It is minor details like these, that are going to make a huge impact on our General Marketing budget and a huge impact on the attention and time we give our new Social Media Marketing platform. The information in Facebook's Insights regarding post reach and post engagement gives us information that would normally take years and a lot of work to find out.

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