Sunday, November 17, 2013

Advertising For Free

It is absolutely incredible, the way you can market your business or your product through Social Media for free. We have done more target marketing and reached more people in the last month through Social Media than we have through mainstream marketing in the last 25 years. And we did it mostly for free. There were a couple of time that we experimented with Boosting, like when searching for a new purchasing Agent. The more people we could get the open position out to, the better our odds were of finding someone for the job.

For the first time, we are one of the top choices when Googling local electricians and it is all because of our new online presence. Before our Facebook and Twitter pages, we were not even one of the choices when Local Electrician was Googled, but now we are number three on the list of electricians!

By placing specific Call to Action posts and lots of interesting posts, we have been able to build our fans to 318 Likes in just over one month. Now, after having built such a big fan base like that, we are able to really direct target market our ads. For now though, we are content with our simple call to Action posts and our funny and interesting posts. People are beginning to Share our posts and we get more posts engagement than we ever would have thought for our first month live. Below are samples of Ads that we will be paying for:


  1. I love a good success story. I am so happy you are having such tremendous success. The good news is… it will only get better from here. Looks like you are on the right track. I can’t wait to hear the next update!


  2. Wow it is great you are getting such response to your organic advertising - it makes for a more rewarding project learning experience with this class not to mention the increases in business this will hopefully give you over the coming years. I too am looking forward to hearing more on how your business marketing results are doing in the future..DH
