Monday, November 4, 2013

How Personal Should I Be

If I was going to write a blog, it would be a business blog for Cockrell Electric. The blog would be about everything electrical, from safety tips to DIY tips. The only thing the blog wouldn't have, is anything personal about me. It is not the right place, the right medium, or the right time. Absolutely nothing personal should be in connection with the blog. I can totally show personality through the posts by sharing things that I think are interesting, as long as they are not personal. The blog that I would set up would be a strictly business blog, but it would still have some personality.

It would make total sense for someone who is writing a blog about them self to get personal and say things about them self. People that have successful personal blogs or blogs with a niche group usually are a little more lively and have great content. Alot of the successful bloggers are so successful because they talk about themselves and promote their own ideas. With our little website or company blog, I will never get personal, it is not the time or place for it.

1 comment:

  1. I know I would like the safety tips and DIY tips. It would be nice though if you included some things like awards the company has received, or maybe that you sponsor a Little League team or something like that - items that show your company is involved in the local community. Nowadays many people want to work with or hire companies that are involved in some manner.
