Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ideas for Our Newsletter

I have been interested in doing a newsletter for the business for a while now and I think it would be a for sure hit with our customers. I would do a newsletter twice a year. Once in June when it starts to hit 115 degrees and once in November when all of the snowbirds are here for the season. We have a totally different "Service" customer base during the summer than we do during the fall/winter/spring. Each newsletter would consist of different topics, advice, and themes.

For the summer crowd, these are our locals, we would give lots of advice about the heat and saving electricity.

The following is a list of content ideas for the summer newsletter:
  • Advice on how to stay cool and save electricity - the customer will want any advice on how to save money on electricity in the summer months. It gets very hot in Palm Springs and the electricity bills can get very high.
  • A Kohler Generator section - We are a local distributor for Kohler Generators and we are selling them because we believe that people do need them even if they think they don't. It is a very scary thing to have your power go out here when it is 120 degrees outside during the day and 110 degrees at night, especially when the average age here in the summer is 70. You do not want to be left in that jam so we decided to be a Kohler distributor. We definitely do not sell them for the profit, we sell them because we know they are needed.
  • Helpful Hints on Electrical Troubleshooting - This section would cover things that customers call about, tripping a breaker, questions about amps, and any other questions or issues customers have called us with.
  • Employee Bio - Every Newsletter would include an employee bio section, with personal and work related info on the chosen employee and a photo. Customers would feel like they are getting to know us or find out more about their already favorite Cockrell employee.
  • Employee of the month - Although it won't be every month, we will still call it employee of the month. This is strictly a morale thing on the employees part, but also a way to let the customer feel a little bit part of the team.
  • A Projects Update Section - This would cover all projects going on at that time with pictures of a select few next to a list of all projects we are currently on.
  • An Electrical Knowledge section - This is little tidbits of info, things like Thomas Edison facts, or a list of Nikola Tesla's inventions, anything I can find historically pertaining to Electricity.
  • Current Events that have to do with Electricity - Anything in the news regarding Electricity, ie, Electrical Cars, Windmill farms, anything in the new that has something to do with Electricity.
The Newsletter for the Season customers would contain a lot of the same, but would not have anything about the heat. Instead in that section it would be Local info, ideas on things to do in the area, especially if it is something to do with Electricity, like taking the tram ride 13 thousand feet up and able to see the I-10 pass and the San Gregorio Wind Farm.

The electrical advice would be less about the heat and money saving tips, and more about Electrical home upgrades, or what to do when coming home to a long closed up house, or what to do to close up your house when going away for long periods. I might also have a section in this one that talks about another Palm Springs business to promote them and gain the customers trust by letting them in on our local secrets. There is really so much we can do with this and I am really excited to get something like this going.


  1. Hi Jessica,
    Your excitement definitely comes through this article! Very smart idea about having two newsletters - one for the locals in summer when they have to survive the heat and one for the Seasonal snowbirds escaping the winter up elsewhere. I think the local info is a good idea for the snowbirds - if you felt comfortable, you could include a little bit about health aspects - regarding sun exposure and how to combat the Palm Springs low humidity. Interesting reading! Thanks.

  2. I love the idea that you would highlight employees in your newsletter! This really shows your customers that 1) you care about your employees and 2) you have great employees who will give great service to your customers. As a customer, I would feel confident that top-notch workers are at my service!

  3. I appreciate how knowledgable you are about the topic and how excited you are to share the information. All the items provided will make your bi-annual newsletter very helpful to us consumers. I also like how you plan to incorporate events happening in the local community!

  4. You have put a lot of thought into your newsletter and the contents. I would highly recommend that you do a quarterly newsletter to stay in front of your customers.... you have some much information about the electrical tips, energy savings, employees and troubleshooting for only 2 newsletters a year.

  5. Why only twice a year? If you broke down the content into segments instead of doing it all at once you would be more timely and relevant than a bi-annual release. You could be crating content on a blog and linking to it in the newsletter instead of posting the full content. Uses product comparisons or testimonials from existing customers.
